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The LINE is refined, structured, it emphasizes the light and the colors, my pencil is attracted by it and my line is sure, almost architectural. I work with WHITE, the ultimate light whose purity enchants the line. As for the COLORS, they invite themselves and dance with the LIGHT to create the atmosphere in which the person wearing my pieces evolves: powerful, liberated, in the direction of their objectives. The colors are saturated, I draw from within me the energy to assert myself. And yet, I decline certain colors according to the energy that I wish to explore, certain colors are pastel: I also find softness and tenderness there. The collar is high, I carry self-esteem. Pieces like variations of feeling, like a REFLECT of variations of the spirit.

These pieces, they are close to my mind but also to me, physically. They are created and made in BELGIUM by people I support and who also support me: seamstress, fabric suppliers, photographer, models, communication officer,... all this BENEVOLENT circle of people who put love into each of the steps. There is therefore a PROXIMITY of production but above all, in our relationships. I know where my investment goes and yours, too.

I create LIMITED SERIES with artisans that I have collected in my threads and with which we share a VISION, that of the UNIQUE experience of clothing. The clothing taken as a mirror of our identity where the current industry pushes for uniformity. La voice is not to the craftsmen but to the mass production of clothing. I hear too often: "below such footage, it's out of the question"; “500 coins or nothing”. I find ma place, I draw the energy in me to resist against this overproduction in order to respect mes VALUES and moving towards more responsible consumption.

The FABRICS, I unearth them in rolls in the END OF SERIE of creators. My goal is RESPONSIBLE, I see it as a way to give a second life to these QUALITY fabrics already products. Today, I reach 80% of recovered fabrics.

I am proud to be able to offer a garment that has as many TECHNICAL qualities as HUMAN. The garment is alive, full of promise but also full of un memory, of all the moments surrounding its creation up to your hand, which caresses and dances with the fabric.

Illustration mode body Charline, pantalon Punch de la collection le Faux Miroir par Maroussia Dubois
Illustration mode body Lara, pantalon Marine de la collection le Faux Miroir par Maroussia Dubois
Illustration mode body Olivia, pantalon Punch de la collection le Faux Miroir par Maroussia Dubois
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